The Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Science,Biological Sciences

The Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man Details

Explore the inner world of plants and its fascinating relation to mankind, as uncovered by the latest discoveries of science. A perennial bestseller.In this truly revolutionary and beloved work, drawn from remarkable research, Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird cast light on the rich psychic universe of plants. Now available in a new edition, The Secret Life of Plants explores plants' response to human care and nurturing, their ability to communicate with man, plants' surprising reaction to music, their lie-detection abilities, their creative powers, and much more. Tompkins and Bird's classic book affirms the depth of humanity's relationship with nature and adds special urgency to the cause of protecting the environment that nourishes us.



Remarquable par le srieux et l'abondance de sa documentation, crit avec un talent de vulgarisateur qui rappelle celui de Bill Bryson, passionnant par les perspectives qu'il ouvrait il y a dj plus de trente ans. On voit aprs cela le monde vgtal avec d'autres yeux. A recommander, mme si les potentialits plutt New Age du dernier chapitre ont, elles, pris un coup de vieux.


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