A Tree Grows in Brooklyn [75th Anniversary Ed] La couverture peut varier
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn [75th Anniversary Ed] La couverture peut varier Details
A PBS Great American Read Top 100 PickA special 75th anniversary edition of the beloved American classic about a young girl's coming-of-age at the turn of the twentieth century. From the moment she entered the world, Francie Nolan needed to be made of stern stuff, for growing up in the Williamsburg slums of Brooklyn, New York demanded fortitude, precocity, and strength of spirit. Often scorned by neighbors for her family’s erratic and eccentric behavior―such as her father Johnny’s taste for alcohol and Aunt Sissy’s habit of marrying serially without the formality of divorce―no one, least of all Francie, could say that the Nolans’ life lacked drama. By turns overwhelming, heartbreaking, and uplifting, the Nolans’ daily experiences are raw with honestly and tenderly threaded with family connectedness. Betty Smith has, in the pages of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, captured the joys of humble Williamsburg life―from “junk day” on Saturdays, when the children traded their weekly take for pennies, to the special excitement of holidays, bringing cause for celebration and revelry. Smith has created a work of literary art that brilliantly captures a unique time and place as well as deeply resonant moments of universal experience. Here is an American classic that "cuts right to the heart of life," hails the New York Times. "If you miss A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, you will deny yourself a rich experience."
Francie est une enfant doue, rveuse et solitaire qui cherche refuge dans les livres. La vie dans le Brooklyn des annes 20 n'est pas une partie de plaisir, il y a des fins de semaines difficiles, mais toujours dcrites avec de l'humour et beaucoup de dignit. Ce roman c'est aussi l'histoire d'une famille. Du coup de foudre des parents. De la tante en mal d'enfant. De Francie qui est plus proche de son pre, bien que ce dernier soit alcoolique et souvent entre 2 boulots. De sa mre, qui trime dur pour faire vivre la famille, et culpabilise de mieux aimer son fils que sa fille.Malgr quelques longueurs au dbut, c'est un roman que l'on dvore. Les personages sonnent vrais, et sont trs attachants. Les lectrices avides se reconnatront en Francie.